Wednesday, December 22, 2010


While taking a walk around the massive Lake Apopka, I decided I wanted to try to capture an image of the lake in a new and unique way. Here you can see only a small peek of the lake through the trees adding more intrigue to it rather than a sense of it's large scale.

This panorama, processed, tone-mapped, and stitched together with eighteen RAWs, later converted to JPEG and then saved as a TIFF file, ended up as a massive file so large and unwieldy, that it took much longer than usual to perform the most menial of tasks. And yet this doesn't even compare to some other HDR photographers' work, some of which have been made with an incredible NINETY photos, tone-mapped into thirty photos and then stitched together into an enormous file that took a whole day to complete. Definitely takes a LOT of ram. That's my aspiration for the future but first, I'll need a faster computer and a larger hard drive. Not to mention an ideal subject that lends itself to the technique.

By the way, you should be able to click on this photo to enlarge it. It's not nearly large enough here to appreciate.

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